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Business Listing Service Agreement

This legal agreement is based on the Listing Services/Subscriptions under the platform of “KHALEEJBOOKING.COM”

The agreement is between;

  1. Khaleej Booking Marketing services Company W.L.L. which owns the platform of “KHALEEJBOOKING.COM” and registered in Qatar. “khaleejbooking.com”, “Khaleej booking”, “us”, “we” or “our”.
  1. And the service/subscription provider “Company” which has registered under our platform “KHALEEJBOOKING.COM” (“Service Provider”, “you”, “your”)

This Agreement describe the terms and conditions that apply to use your services under “KHALEEJBOOKING.COM”

You can become service provider under our platform by simply registering through online customer registration form an completing all required fields and submitting to approve from our end. You will be only Service provider under our platform after we approve your registration.

By registering under Khaleej Booking you are accepting all Policies which is available under our platform.

This agreement will be applicable automatically after we approve your registration under our platform and is not required to be signed by both parties as this consider electronic agreement.

  • Platform: means the website
  • We Khaleej booking doesn’t own, Manage, Control or set the prices of the Service providers.
  • We provide a platform where they register their services and we do marketing to book/subscribe by the clients through our platform.
  • We will provide you a space in our platform to list your services/subscription and you will have full access all the features which support your needs with the available features.
  • We set up our site policies which protect the usage of our platform.
  • We will do marketing through our site and social media so client to book/subscribe your services listed on our platform.
  •  Your will be fully responsible to comply our Listing Policy, when you Started business with us. You can review the said policy by clicking here.  (https://khaleejbooking.com/listing-booking-policy/)
  • When it comes to Refund and Cancelations, you can setout your service policy and activate through our platform and then your policy will be applicable to clients. But if you don’t apply your policy to your listed services, our Refund and Cancelation policy will be applicable to you and our clients accordingly.
  • Your listing service/subscription prices should be fair comparing to the market value.
  • It is your responsibilities to keep update your listing booking/subscription services under our platform.
  • The clients will be rating your service and reviewing on the same time, you should be considering and use this review to make your services in the best suit to the clients.
  • If you are going to make promotion under Khaleej booking platform, it is your responsibilities to take all the necessary permission from your local government concerned department.
  • All Parties shall comply with and use commercially reasonable efforts to safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of any personal data processed in the context of this Agreement and to protect it from unauthorized use or release. Each Party agrees to comply with the applicable Privacy Policy which is available through and our platform and you visit by clicking the following policy. (https://khaleejbooking.com/privacy-policy/)
  • The service provider should protect the client information in privacy and should not share to third parties and should not use any other reasons except to serve the clients as per their requests.
  • KhaleejBooking is charging their service providers a commission of 10% from their booking/subscriptions through the platform.
  • This charge is applicable any booking/subscription services you provided under Khaleej booking.
  • The Commission Fees can be amended anytime in future and we will notify you prior to the effective date.
  • Once the client book/subscribe your service and make the payment, we will send you a confirmation email for the booking/subscription with client details.
  • Once the client avails your booking/subscription services, we will release the fund to your account after 15 days. Incase your total bookings/subscriptions reached above Qr. 5000/- we will be processing to release your payment.
  • To release your payment, you need to update your bank information inf your Dashboard settings.
  • The payment will start processing only after you made the request withdrawal under your dashboard.
  • Any bank charges to be shared.
  • This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (Registration Date) and shall continue until terminated one of the party or both parties.
  • Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon giving 1 Month written notice to the other Party.
  • Each party should complete all pending bookings/subscriptions and payments.
  • The Service Provider should download all his service information and delete their account from Khaleej booking dashboard.
  • Each Party may terminate this agreement with written notice if
    • The other Party has committed a material breach of its obligations under this Agreement and has failed to solve such breach within Seven (7) days of receipt by the other Party of written notice thereof;
    • The other Party suspends or ends trading or shows that it plans to cease trading or becomes incapable to pay its debts as they fall due; or
    • The other party has received a court case were instructed to stop trading or such kind of events.
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