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for your Services

Answers on questions
What is Khaleej Booking?

Answer: Khaleej Booking provides a platform where service providers can register their services and market them to clients through their platform. Khaleej Booking does not own, manage, control, or set the prices of the service providers.

How do I become a service provider on Khaleej Booking?

Answer: To become a service provider on an online booking marketplace, you typically need to create an account, provide information about your services and pricing, and pass any necessary certifications or background checks. The specific requirements will vary depending on the marketplace.

What types of services can I offer as a service provider on Khaleej Booking?

Answer: You can offer a variety of services, such as spa treatments, salon services, car rentals, Tours, health and fitness classes, and many more. The specific services you can offer will depend on our marketplace and any regulations or licensing requirements.

What is the responsibility of the service providers under the agreement between Khaleej Booking and service provider?

A: Service providers are responsible for complying with Khaleej Booking’s Listing Policy, setting their service policy for refunds and cancellations, updating their service listings, ensuring that their prices are fair compared to market value, considering client feedback and using it to improve their services. If service providers want to make a promotion under the Khaleej booking platform, they are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions from their local government concerned department.

What are the commission fees charged by Khaleej Booking?

A: Khaleej Booking charges a 10% commission from the booking/subscription or services provided by the service providers through their platform. This charge applies to any booking/subscription services provided under Khaleej Booking. The Commission Fees can be amended anytime in the future, and the service providers will be notified before the effective date.

What is the payment processing method for the service providers under this agreement?

A: Once the client books/subscribes to the service and makes the payment, Khaleej Booking sends a confirmation email to the service providers with the client’s details. After the client avails the booking/subscription services, the payment will be released to the service provider’s account after ten days. If the total bookings/subscriptions reach above Qr. 5000/-, Khaleej Booking will process the payment release on the same day. The service providers need to update their bank information in their Dashboard settings to release their payment. The payment will start processing only after the service providers made the requested withdrawal under their dashboard. Any bank charges incurred on the beneficiary account will have to be borne by the beneficiary/client.

How can I manage my bookings on Khaleej Booking?

Answer: Khaleej Booking provides you a dashboard where you can manage your bookings, orders, appointments view your schedule, and communicate with customers. You may also receive notifications when new bookings are made or when customers have questions or special requests.

How do I receive payment for my services on Khaleej Booking?

A: Payment methods may vary depending on how customer choose to pay, it can be online on our portal or directly to you. If the payment is made online the Khaleej Booking will deduct a commission or fee from the payment before depositing it into your account, if the payment is directly made to you, you will pay us the commission on monthly basis according to the business you have received from Khaleej Booking.

Can I set my own prices for services on Khaleej booking?

Answer: Yes, as a service provider, you can set your own prices for the services you offer. However, you may need to comply with pricing guidelines or limitations set by Khaleej booking.

How can I ensure a positive customer experience as a service provider on Khaleej Booking?

Answer: To ensure a positive customer experience, it is important to provide clear and accurate information about your services and pricing, be responsive to customer questions and requests, and provide high-quality services that meet or exceed customer expectations. You should also be professional and courteous in all of your interactions with customers.

How can I improve my visibility and attract more customers as a service provider on Khaleej Booking?

Answer: To improve your visibility and attract more customers, you can optimize your profile and service descriptions with keywords and other relevant information that customers may search for. You can also offer promotions or discounts to new customers, respond promptly to customer inquiries, and encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.

How can I handle cancellations or rescheduling of appointments as a service provider on Khaleej Booking?

Answer: It is important to have a clear cancellation and rescheduling policy in place and communicate it to customers. You may want to consider charging a cancellation or rescheduling fee to cover any costs or lost revenue associated with the change. You should also be flexible and accommodating, when possible, especially if the change is due to an emergency or unexpected circumstance, you will get detailed information about cancellation and refund policy in our agreement.

How can I ensure the safety and security of my customers as a service provider on Khaleej Booking?

Answer: You should follow all applicable safety and health guidelines for your specific service, such as sanitizing equipment and surfaces between customers, using appropriate protective equipment, and maintaining social distancing as needed. You should also ensure that any personal or financial information provided by customers is stored securely and protected from unauthorized access or use.

How can I maximize my earnings on KhaleejBooking.com?

Answer: To maximize your earnings on KhaleejBooking.com, you can offer attractive pricing, provide excellent customer service, and optimize your service listing for better visibility. You can also take advantage of promotional tools and offers to attract more customers.

What is the service listing agreement is all about?

Answer: This legal agreement is based on the Listing Services/Subscriptions under the platform of “KHALEEJBOOKING.COM” ‘’between Khaleej Booking Marketing services Company W.L.L.’’ (which owns the platform of “KHALEEJBOOKING.COM” and registered in Qatar), and the ‘’service/subscription provider’’, which has registered under their platform. It describes the terms and conditions that apply to the use of the services provided under “KHALEEJBOOKING.COM”.

How can the agreement be terminated?

Answer: This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date (Registration Date) and shall continue until terminated by one of the parties or both parties. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon giving one month’s written notice to the other Party. Each party should complete all pending bookings/subscriptions and payments. The Service Provider should download all their service information and delete their account from the Khaleej booking dashboard. Each Party may terminate this agreement with written notice if the other Party has committed a material breach of its obligations under this Agreement and has failed to solve such breach within seven (7) days of receipt by the other Party of written notice thereof.

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